Park Holiday Congress & Wellness Hotel Prague
The comfortable four-star hotel, part of the Park Holiday recreational complex, is situated on the south eastern outskirts of Prague in a charming corner of the Botič-Milíčov natural park. The Park Holiday Congress & Wellness Hotel Prague is a perfect base for business and tourist clientele.
Individual rooms
Name | Area (m²) | Width | Height | Theatre | Banquet | Classroom | Reception |
Kongresový sál | 192 | -- | -- | 180 | 120 | 120 | 180 |
Salonek 1 | 48 | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Salónek 2 | 41 | -- | -- | 42 | -- | 22 | -- |
Salónek 3 | 100 | -- | -- | 100 | -- | 54 | -- |
Společenský sál Emotion | 225 | -- | -- | -- | 120 | -- | 180 |
Salonek Club | 56.8 | -- | -- | 44 | -- | 27 | -- |